Meet, Amaea Brown
My journey in entrepreneurship began in middle school when I wanted to be a professional contemporary dancer. When high school began, I held on to the dream of being a best-selling author until my senior year. I don’t know how many business ideas i’ve come up with since then but after high school, all of them had the same purpose.. to help others.
I inherited the gift of selflessness, compassion and empathy from my mother who built a career in social work. My entrepreneurial spirit from my father who is an artist, specializing in film-making and photography.
My ‘nerd’ brain and my giving heart led me here, serving small business owners the best way I know how, through finance.
Interesting Facts About Me
Favorite Hobby
I love all genres of books from non-fiction to poetry. I’ve unintentionally collected books since elementary school.
Favorite Book
Some love, some pain, sometime - J. California Cooper
A collection of stories, written from the POV and inspired by black women and their life journeys.
Career Personality Type
INFJ - Advocate
Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists.